Sunday, July 5, 2020

Sunday Funday

Your work our plan for the week: 


2 mile run or more, your choice. Minimum of 2

3 rounds of: 

Max effort push ups
50 flutter kicks

25 mountain climbers (4 count)
25 burpees

50 meter sprint
*2 minute rest in between 


2 mile run or more, your choice. Minimum of 2

7 Rounds:
7 air squats
7 push ups
7 sit ups
7 lunges
7 burpees
7 pull ups

7 v-ups



Warmup (repeat twice)

15# dumbbell side lunge, hold 10sec:  3x 

30 step jacks 

30 ice skaters 

30 knee to elbows 

4 rounds

20 step jacks 

20 ice skaters

20 knee to elbow

10 KB swings

10 thrusters 

3 sets

Set 1: 

8 KB swings 

8 single arm KB swings (both arms)

8 thrusters

8 standing side bends (both sides)

8 rows 

Set 2:

8 KB swings

8 cleans (both sides)

8 thrusters

8 standing side bends (both sides)

8 rows 

Set 3:

16 KB swings

8 thrusters

8 standing side bends (both sides)

8 rows 


2 mile run or more, your choice. Minimum of 2

4 Rounds:

25 burpees

50 lunges (25 each leg)

25 push ups

25 air squats

*1 minute rest between rounds


2 mile run or more, your choice. Minimum of 2




30 minutes Muay Thai  

3 sets of 20 box squats 

3 sets of 10 pull ups 

3 sets of 20 push ups 

2 sets of 15 curls 

3 sets of tricep pull downs 

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