Monday, July 6, 2020

a new way to tie shoes

The traditional way of shoe tying is very hard for people with autism. My step-son Gabe has struggled with shoe tying his entire life.  So I told Gabe that when he turns 11, his goal will be to tie his shoes.   So for months I researched different ways autistic children were able to tie shoes and I found one that is very simple.  Gabe got it and now he is teaching other children to tie his shoes. 

Here is the link to my video showing how to tie them:

Here's a coupe pictures. 3 easy easy steps.  
  • Eyelets
  • Bunny Loop & tie
  • Repeat bunny Loop & tie
Put both shoe string tips in the eye lets:

This makes two big bunny ears

Cross them & tie

Pull that tight
repeat with another loop (cross & tie)

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