Thursday, June 23, 2016

This Way Forward Short Film

Words cannot express how truly honored I am to have been a part of this project! I have waited two long years to finally get to create a creature that has excited the hell out of me since I first saw someone cosplay it.. A CLICKER!! Thank you so much Cesar for allowing me to be a part of the crew and I cannot wait to see the finished project and (hopefully) be a part of future adventures!!
This is a short film dedicated to the video game "The last of us" written by Cesar Huitron.  
Me working on a zombie

Up close of me airbrushing makeup


Military Actors with a REAL hummer

I was in a rental car with a bunch of prop guns.  If I got pulled over, it would have been a hairy situation.

One of the prop guns

Cast and Crew from Saturday

The Director and I with his daughter (one of the lead actresses)

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